Services provided to users

Water analysis

AMAP SPA offers all Apartment block Administrators (whether professionals or not) a service for the microbiological analysis of water within the home network.

To request the service, it is necessary to apply to one of our branches in the area, sign an agreement and make a payment according to the number of analyses required.

Within 30 days from the request, specialised personnel will be sent by the Company to the address indicated to take water samples from a point within the domestic network agreed with the Customer.

Once the analyses have been carried out at the AMAP Laboratory in Via Pignatelli Aragona 44, the results will be formalised with a written communication to the requesting Administrator.

Below are the documents to be presented for stipulating the agreement:

  • A copy of the minutes of appointment as Administrator and of the last minutes of the meeting;
  • A copy of the administrator’s ID document;
  • A copy of the administrator’s Tax code;
  • A copy of the Apartment blocks Administrator card (if not yet transmitted).

Any further information can be requested via e-mail at the following address:

Download the forms:

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