The Company


AMAP – Azienda Municipalizzata Acquedotto di Palermo (Municipal Waterworks of Palermo) – was founded in 1956 to manage the aqueduct of the Municipality of Palermo, which had taken over the direct management of the aqueduct in 1945, until then managed by the anonymous company SAAP.

Another measure to increase the city’s water supplies was completed in 1958 with the construction of the Gabriele water purifier.

In 1968, the aqueduct was completed, with funding by the Cassa per il Mezzogiorno (Fund for the South of Italy), allowing to improve the water supply of the expansion areas located in the north-west of the city.

The Jato aqueduct was built in the period 1975-1978 to convey to the city the water collected from the artificial reservoir Poma (river Jato), built in the years 1963-68; this water is treated in the Cicala water purifier located immediately downstream of the reservoir.

The construction of the new Scillato aqueduct was completed at the beginning of the 1980s. It consists of a pipeline under pressure flanking the old Scillato canal, conveying water to the intake plant of the Scanzano-Risalaimi aqueduct.

Recently, the Monte Grifone reservoir started operation; it is the largest of the reservoirs currently in operation in the city, supplied by the Scanzano-Risalaimi and the new Scillato aqueducts.

Some minor works complete the framework of the city’s reservoirs: the Gallo reservoir, the Borgo Nuovo reservoir and the Giardini reservoir.

The aqueduct system has been further bolstered in recent years by the supply of water from the Rosamarina reservoir through two branches, one by the Rosamarina eastern branch (at the height of Buonfornello) conveyed to Palermo through the Scillato aqueducts, the other by the Rosamarina western branch (near Casteldaccia) conveyed to Palermo through the Scanzano-Risalaimi aqueduct.

In 1993, the Municipality of Palermo assigned the maintenance of the city sewage system to AMAP which, in 1996, commenced the in-house management of the sewage treatment plants, thus becoming the operator of the integrated water service in the city of Palermo.

After becoming “Special Agency” in 1999, in 2000 AMAP was transformed into a joint-stock company with fully public share capital and with the Municipality of Palermo as sole shareholder .

In 2016, AMAP SPA became the manager of the Integrated Water System of ATO 1 Palermo (Local Authority Water boards), allowing the entry into the company structure of other municipalities of the Metropolitan City of Palermo. Currently the municipalities that have joined in addition to the City of Palermo are: Alia, Alimena, Aliminusa, Altavilla Milicia, Balestrate, Blufi, Bolognetta, Bompietro, Caccamo, Campofelice di Fitalia, Camporeale, Capaci, Carini, Casteldaccia, Cefalà Diana, Chiusa Sclafani, Corleone, Ficarazzi, Isola delle Femmine, Lascari, Lercara Friddi, Marineo, Montemaggiore Belsito, Partinico, Piana degli Albanesi, San Cipirello, San Giuseppe Jato, San Mauro Castelverde, Santa Cristina Gela, Santa Flavia, Sciara, Torrette, Trappeto, Villabate.

Their entry has allowed AMAP SPA to serve a basin of over 1.2 million inhabitants, making it the largest wholly-owned public company for integrated water service management in Italy, second only to the Apulian Aqueduct.

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